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Use the form on the right to contact us, and we will be in touch to answer your queries.

Are you interested in hosting us for a photoshoot?

Be sure to read our Locations page if you haven't done so already.

East Terrace
Euxton, Chorley, PR7 6TE
United Kingdom

0800 772 3105

MyFoto is portrait photography company based in Lancashire. We specialises in children's Nursery School Photos and Family Portraits within locations such as Primary Schools.

We also take lots of great portraits of children's activities, hobbies and clubs such as dance schools, drama productions or sports teams and martial arts clubs.


Myfoto is a photography portrait company. Visit our blog and see some of the great photoshoots we do in Schools, Nursieries, Dance, Drama and Sports.


Filtering by Category: Dance Portraits

Dance Photography In Lancashire


We did some great dance photography portraits this weekend in Wigan, Lancashire at Tina's Dance Studios, while the ballet exams were taking place.

The studio we set up was quite a large one as we had use of one of the spare dance studios so we were able to set up with a really big backdrop and a couple of strobes with some big light modifiers to create some beautiful soft light.

There were lots of juniors undertaking their ballet exams and we got some great shots while all their moves were still fresh in their minds. Mum's and Dads will love these fabulous moments in time of their kids doing what they love.

As well as the juniors we had some very talented seniors such as Lucy (below) showing what years of hard work at Tina's Dance Studios under School Principal Miss Tina Jameson can achieve. We are sure to see Lucy on stage as a professional dancer in the not to distant future if these stunning portraits are anything to go by.

Ballet Dance Student Lucy at Tina's Dance Studios Wigan. Dance Photography Lancashire. All images copyright MyFoto ©

Get Involved - Host a MyFoto Dance Photo shoot at your Dance Studio 

We attend many dance schools photographing students and creating lasting memories. If your interested in hosting a dance photo shoot either for your year end show or in conjunction with a dance exam day then please email us on or fill in our contact page HERE.