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MyFoto is portrait photography company based in Lancashire. We specialises in children's Nursery School Photos and Family Portraits within locations such as Primary Schools.

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Royles Brook Primary School has a Teepee!..... And its Awesome


Royles Brook Primary School has a Teepee!..... And its Awesome


Embracing Nature: Teepees as Outdoor Classrooms for Engaging Education

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the benefits of outdoor education. Incorporating nature into the learning environment enhances student engagement, fosters a sense of wonder, and promotes holistic development. One innovative way to embrace the outdoors is by introducing teepees as outdoor classrooms. These iconic structures offer a unique and inspiring setting for educational activities, allowing students to connect with nature while expanding their knowledge. Let's explore how teepees can transform traditional classrooms into captivating outdoor learning spaces.

Embracing Cultural Heritage: Integrating teepees as outdoor classrooms provides an opportunity to honor and learn from Indigenous cultures. Students can gain a deeper appreciation for Native American traditions by experiencing firsthand the design and cultural significance of teepees. This incorporation helps foster respect, cross-cultural understanding, and a sense of appreciation for diverse perspectives.

  1. Immersive Learning Environment: Teepees offer a distinct ambiance that ignites curiosity and creativity. Inside the teepee, students are enveloped by a natural and rustic setting, evoking a sense of adventure and connection with the natural world. This immersive learning environment stimulates engagement and encourages active participation in lessons.

  2. Multi-disciplinary Learning: Outdoor classrooms in teepees allow for a wide range of interdisciplinary learning experiences. Science classes can explore the local ecosystem, observing plants, animals, and natural processes. Literature and language arts lessons can take on a new dimension as students are inspired to read, write, and share stories around the communal fire. Mathematics and art can be integrated through measuring, designing, and decorating teepee poles or creating artwork inspired by Indigenous motifs.

  3. Environmental Education: Using teepees as outdoor classrooms is an excellent opportunity to instill environmental awareness and foster a sense of stewardship. Students can learn about sustainable practices, conservation, and the importance of respecting nature. They can actively participate in activities like planting and maintaining a school garden, composting, or learning traditional ecological knowledge from Indigenous elders.

  4. Experiential and Collaborative Learning: Teepees encourage experiential and collaborative learning. Students can engage in hands-on activities, team projects, and group discussions, promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. The communal space inside the teepee nurtures a sense of community, cooperation, and shared responsibility, fostering a positive learning environment.

  5. Mindfulness and Well-being: Nature has a profound impact on our well-being, promoting stress reduction, improved focus, and overall mental health. Teepee-based outdoor classrooms provide a serene and calming setting that encourages mindfulness and a connection with the natural world. Incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation or reflective journaling, can enhance student well-being and emotional resilience.

Conclusion: Integrating teepees as outdoor classrooms opens up a world of possibilities for enriching education. By embracing Indigenous culture, immersing students in nature, and creating unique learning environments, teepee-based outdoor classrooms nurture a love for learning, curiosity, and environmental stewardship. As we seek innovative educational approaches, let us not forget the power of nature in transforming education and inspiring the next generation of learners.

Take a look how else Royles Brook Primary makes use of its amazing outdoor spaces!